We organize outdoor activities with the team
What do you see outside your gray and stuffy office? Bright and warm sun, light breeze - beautiful weather. It’s just the time to go somewhere in nature, taking with…

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triple blowjob
Briefly about rest in Kabardinka.
This resort settlement is located off the coast of Tsemess Bay, on the Black Sea coast. Juniper grows in these places, it purifies the air and this is why this…

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Greece - a journey for a natural fur coat
Of course, any girl wants to put on a "fluffy beauty" - a fur coat. The very process of buying this thing can be compared with a wonderful trip to…

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Monthly Archives: March 2017

How to relax with children

When a child appears in the family, the life of the parents ceases to belong only to them. They completely devote it to a small child, try to make the baby enjoy a happy and carefree childhood.

Of course, each parent wants to bring his child to the sea, but from what age you can do this, not everyone knows. To begin with, there is no specific age limit. If you feel that the baby can move the road, then you can go with at least a five-month-old baby.

It is only necessary to take into account that in infants a period of adaptation to other weather conditions takes much longer. Therefore, if you have already decided to get out into the warm regions, then the duration of the trip should exceed two weeks. Ideally, this is three weeks, or even a month. Continue reading

Block Archery Features

The block bow was first invented in 1966 in America and became a great gift for shooters, since with the advent of such weapons there was no need to exert much effort to keep the bowstring in a state of combat tension. This made it possible to increase the projectile departure speed, and therefore, to increase the overall effectiveness of archery.

Today you can buy not a heavy block bow and start training. The fact is that starting with a heavy model is not advisable: the shooter will only have to think about how to stretch and hold the bowstring, and not hone the shooting technique. As a result, such training will not give any positive shifts and interest in shooting will quickly disappear. Continue reading

Housing in Gurzuf
Despite the fact that the village of Gurzuf was one of the first climatic resorts of the Crimea, he was not able to gain the popularity that Yalta or Alushta…


Sydney Opera House, Australia
The Australian Theater is a theater in the city of Sydney. It is now considered one of the most famous and easily recognizable buildings in the world and is considered…


Mini-hotels of Vladimir: pros and cons
The main advantage of mini-hotels in Vladimir is, of course, the ability to rent a room for little money. Not always a cheap room means poor quality of service, lack…
