Tours in the UAE: give yourself a luxurious vacation!
The United Arab Emirates is an amazing and exotic country. Travelers, getting to the edge of deserts and oases, get a lot of new, incomparable experiences. The developed tourism infrastructure…

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triple blowjob
The mysterious country of fairy tales - India
One of the most amazing and unusual countries in the world is India! It is striking in its beauty and makes tourists only a good impression. And the memories remain…

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Above the roof: 5 exciting ways to jump into the abyss (part 1)
For some, extreme sports are a journey to another city, not in a compartment car, but in a reserved seat, but someone does not find a place for himself and…

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Rest in Karelia

We very carefully chose a place to relax, preferably on the river and in comfortable conditions. At first they wanted to go to Finland, but settled on Karelia.

There are a lot of beautiful places, all kinds of camp sites, hotels, but this is again the noise, neighbors’ partying until the morning, etc. I wanted silence and solitude, and we found such a place near the small village of Kindasovo. The house stood on the banks of the Shuya River, with its pier, fenced. Continue reading

Block Archery Features

The block bow was first invented in 1966 in America and became a great gift for shooters, since with the advent of such weapons there was no need to exert much effort to keep the bowstring in a state of combat tension. This made it possible to increase the projectile departure speed, and therefore, to increase the overall effectiveness of archery.

Today you can buy not a heavy block bow and start training. The fact is that starting with a heavy model is not advisable: the shooter will only have to think about how to stretch and hold the bowstring, and not hone the shooting technique. As a result, such training will not give any positive shifts and interest in shooting will quickly disappear. Continue reading

Holidays in Thailand - a dream or a reality?
Incredibly multicolored, fabulous, warm Thailand is a real dream for many. However, this dream can be fully realized, which is proved annually by thousands of tourists traveling to this country.…


Where can I spend my summer vacation in Russia?
It's time for holidays, suitcase mood, tanning and spending earned money for the year - this, of course, is summer. Suppose you decide to spend your vacation without leaving your…


Rest in the village of Lazarevskoye
Those who decided to relax in Lazarevsky in 2012 will be pleasantly surprised not only by clean pebble beaches, but also by modern attractions. The village has an excellent promenade,…
