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Holidays in the resorts of the Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic is an island nation. It is located on the island of Haiti and occupies more than half of its territory. In the south, the Dominican Republic is washed by the warm waves of the Caribbean Sea, and in the north by the Atlantic Ocean.

Almost all tourists who have visited this country consider it an exotic paradise. And no wonder, because the Dominican Republic is the cradle of incendiary dance rhythms, a magnificent example of Latin American culture.

This country has an ancient history and unique architecture. The entire coast of the republic is one continuous beach. Warm clear water, white sand and high-quality service – all this can be found in any resort in this country. However, on this, perhaps, the resemblance of the resorts ends.
Let’s look at what else a tourist can see after visiting the resorts of the Dominican Republic.

Amber Coast, as Puerto Plata is also called, is located in the north of the republic. The resort got its name due to the huge reserves of amber.

Punta Cana (translated into Russian – the meeting place of palm trees) is perhaps the most environmentally friendly town on the whole island. It is forbidden to build structures that can harm nature. Arriving here, you can enjoy the picturesque scenery, a huge number of palm trees of different types. Near the resort is a picturesque place of Heigen. Cafes here are located near the water, so every vacationer can not only enjoy national fish dishes, but also hear the light ocean breeze. Punta Cana is very suitable for lovers of water sports, as well as for families.

Boca Chica is the best resort in the republic. Since 1920, the local elite began to build their summer residences here. There are no historical attractions here, but there is a beautiful beach and lagoon, which is protected by coral reefs. In April, international fishing competitions take place in Boca Chica. Therefore, having arrived in Boca Chaka at this time, you can enjoy not only all the delights of the competition, but also taste the national fish dishes.

Santo Domingo was founded back in the 15th century by the brother of Christopher Columbus. Soon, Santo Domingo becomes the capital of the Spanish colonies. And from 1844 to the present day is the capital of the Dominican Republic.

Like any capital, Santo Domingo has a huge historical past, which is represented in works of art and architectural monuments. The colonial areas of the city are protected by UNESCO. However, local residents carefully guard their historical monuments in order to give tourists the opportunity to get to know them.

The main attractions of Santo Domingo: Alcazar Castle, Osama Fortress, National Museum, Tore del Omenache Tower. National Gallery of Fine Arts. In this gallery until 1922 housed the tomb of Columbus. The Catholic Cathedral and various palaces are also a landmark of the city.

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