We organize outdoor activities with the team
What do you see outside your gray and stuffy office? Bright and warm sun, light breeze - beautiful weather. It’s just the time to go somewhere in nature, taking with…

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triple blowjob
Spring fishing
In the spring - at this wonderful time of the year when everything around is awakening and renewing itself after the winter lull - everyone really wants to experience new…

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UAE - a place for a relaxing holiday
The United Arab Emirates (hereinafter UAE) are located in West Asia on the Arabian Peninsula. This state consists of seven small principalities: Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Ajman, Fujairah, Sharjah, Ras al-Khaimah,…

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The mysterious country of fairy tales – India

One of the most amazing and unusual countries in the world is India! It is striking in its beauty and makes tourists only a good impression. And the memories remain unforgettable for a long time.

India is a country of bright colors in every sense of the word. The population in bright clothes, an original culture, beautiful women, smells of spices and seasonings remain in memory for a lifetime.

One has only to visit there, and life will change for the better. The yogis and healers of India can greatly help in this. India is not a poor country, and at the same time, it is not rich. This is a place where poverty and wealth, tranquility and chaos, legends and reality are combined. Many tourists come to India to have fun, but plunge into the secluded world of tranquility and holiness, purity. Someone can find himself in the depths of his soul. This country is changing the human mind and general outlook on life.

The Republic of India is a state located in South Asia. India is a huge country, it is in second place in terms of population (after China) and seventh in area. The name of the country comes from the ancient word Hindu, and Indians used to be called Indoi. The water composition of India is represented by numerous rivers. These are full-flowing and Himalayan rivers. Full-flowing rivers feed rainfall and melting snow glaciers. In summer, Indian rivers significantly raise their water levels. Because of this, floods can be observed in some states and regions of India. West India is famous for the Great Kach Ran and Sundarban.

India can be glorified not only with its extraordinary culture, but also with climatic conditions. India covers various types of weather conditions. In the west there is a desert, in the south – tropical forests, and in the north of India there are glaciers. Therefore, in this country you can catch all kinds of weather – both hot summers and cool winters.

Numerous traditions and customs only adorn India. It is famous for many different holidays associated with religious beliefs. Officially in India there are 24 languages, and unofficially 3,500. In every state, region, and sometimes city, people have their own dialect. But still, the main ones are English, Hindi and Telugu.

Despite a certain percentage of the poverty of the population of India, it is rapidly moving in front and today it occupies 12th place in the global economy.

India is unique. The people of this country are distinguished from all others by sincerity and generosity.

Rest in Karelia
We very carefully chose a place to relax, preferably on the river and in comfortable conditions. At first they wanted to go to Finland, but settled on Karelia. There are…


Where can I spend my summer vacation in Russia?
It's time for holidays, suitcase mood, tanning and spending earned money for the year - this, of course, is summer. Suppose you decide to spend your vacation without leaving your…


Spring fishing
In the spring - at this wonderful time of the year when everything around is awakening and renewing itself after the winter lull - everyone really wants to experience new…
