Spring fishing
In the spring - at this wonderful time of the year when everything around is awakening and renewing itself after the winter lull - everyone really wants to experience new…

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triple blowjob
Ufa Hotels
In our century of developed business and active tourism, one can hardly surprise anyone with the geography of perfect trips. And the hotel service is just the right way is…

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Vladimir is part of the Golden Ring of Russia
Russia is a unique country that has preserved a centuries-old history in architectural monuments. Different cities, whether it be a large metropolis or a small provincial town, like chronicles, store…

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Where can I spend my summer vacation in Russia?

It’s time for holidays, suitcase mood, tanning and spending earned money for the year – this, of course, is summer. Suppose you decide to spend your vacation without leaving your homeland. Then let’s find out where this is done especially well and where to go on holiday in Russia?

With all the diversity of overseas resorts, the popularity of the Black Sea is unlikely to run out. Every year, service is getting better, and coastal zones are developing rapidly. Black Sea resorts can already compete on equal terms with overseas coastal settlements. The choice of a tourist offers a large number of different offers for housing and entertainment. And the climate of the Black Sea coast contributes to bronze tanning and swimming in the gentle warm sea.

At least 30% of our compatriots choose cities on the coast as a stronghold for their long-awaited vacation. The home environment and the relatively low price is a strong factor not to leave the borders of Russia. Fans of the Black Sea coast like that the people around speak Russian, and there are no language barriers.

Accommodation prices may surprise even a seasoned traveler. It is quite possible to find a cozy private hotel, taking for a place no more than 100 rubles per day. Of course, for this price you will not be offered oysters and croissants for breakfast, but you save your money for a rest by the sea longer.

If you prefer a more relaxing holiday, away from the popular resort areas, then the northern latitudes of Karelia are waiting for their tourist. Karelia has long been known for the beauty of its nature. It has everything – beautiful waterfalls, powerful rivers, deep forests and pristine lakes. You can meet the sunrises on the beautiful wild beach of a forest lake in the silence and freshness of an awakening nature.

Having visited Karelia once, many every year come back here again and again from the bustle of big cities. Tourism in Karelia is rapidly gaining momentum. In Petrozavodsk, the capital of the republic, you can find entertainment for every taste. Hotels serve their guests at a high level, and if you travel by car, they are happy to provide strictly guarded parking.

Historical monuments in Karelia can remind you of the greatness of the time of Peter I himself, and from museums you can learn a lot about the history of not only this region, but also Russia.

Of course, you won’t be full of food for the mind. And after spending a vacation in Karelia, there is an opportunity to taste the original Karelian dishes. This is flavored meat made from venison, as well as delicious dishes from Karelian fish, for every taste. Restaurants in Petrozavodsk are hardly inferior in quality to the best establishments in St. Petersburg and Moscow. But the prices here are three times less than in the big cities of Russia.

In the northern region of Karelia, the history of the northern peoples is concentrated. The government of this republic helps to maintain the identity of representatives of the rarest peoples of Finno-Ugric origin. They bring their secret and mystery to the life of this land. It is felt in everything. In people living here with their special thinking and speech, outlook on life and in those things that they do with their own hands. It is unlikely that you will regret the time spent on vacation in Karelia. Moreover, it is part of our vast country, which must be seen

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