20 years on the market - an indicator of reliability
The 20-year history of Sol-O attracts respect not only from customers, but also from competitors. The development of the company has always been systematic and dynamic. We have always worked…

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triple blowjob
Rest in Vityazevo
To argue that the Black Sea in Vityazevo is better than the black sea of ​​other resort cities will be stupid. But what is the difference then? In those seemingly…

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Rent a cottage or a room - which is more profitable?
Everyone, for sure, wants to use their free time on vacation, at the weekend in the company of close people, work colleagues, unforgettable and richly. If we are talking about…

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Holidays in Greece

Greece – the birthplace of ancient antiquity, the main center of the emergence of Christianity and the best vacation spot in Europe for tourists.

Throughout Greece, a huge number of cultural monuments and attractions are common. Classical Greece contains monuments of medieval and ancient cultures, full of historical events, legends and myths.

Modern Greece is in no way inferior to antique: a mild subtropical climate, picturesque nature, amazing sandy and pebble beaches. This is all tourist Greece. National cuisine will not leave indifferent even the most demanding gourmet. Many hotels, famous resorts and SPA-centers will delight everyone who wants to relax and unwind.

Greece is a European state, which is located on the southern edge of the Balkan Peninsula, and occupies a considerable part of the islands of the eastern Mediterranean. More than 2,000 islands are located throughout Greece and only about 200 of them are inhabited. The largest are the islands of Rhodes, Crete, Lesvos. From all sides, Greece is washed by the seas: the Ionian, Aegean, Mediterranean and Adriatic. The most fashionable resorts are located on the islands of the Aegean Sea, they lure tourists with high-quality service and service. Exotic nightlife on the coast and a variety of opportunities make vacation in hotels unforgettable.

Greek climate is Mediterranean, mild. The approximate January temperature ranges from +4 to + 12 degrees, and the July temperature from +27 to +30 degrees Celsius. Greece is the southernmost and sunniest country in Europe. The swimming season is open from May to October (in particularly sultry years it can drag on until late autumn). Minus temperature and snow are a rarity. The only exceptions are mountains, where at the very tops snow is a common thing. Very often in January there are “Alkeonid days” – they are similar to the Indian summer: the temperature rises sharply over two or three weeks to 20 degrees, and the whole air is saturated with the aromas of spring. Throughout all these days, the birds of the Alkeonids breed their chicks. Actually, that’s why these days are called so.

Event tourism
Events can be from various fields: cultural - national holidays, carnivals, music and theater festivals, film festivals; business events - exhibitions, shows, fairs, technical salons; sports - championships, olympiads, etc.…


Cyprus. Tourism is a delicate matter
Tourism is a delicate matter. And therefore, if you are not going along the already well-known route, but to a completely new place, it’s worth planning everything carefully. Especially if…


Above the roof: 5 exciting ways to jump into the abyss (part 2)
BASE JUMPING Well, a very extreme way to have fun. For beginners, eager to tickle their nerves, the path is ordered here. BASE jumping is a parachute jump from fixed…
