Cyprus. Tourism is a delicate matter
Tourism is a delicate matter. And therefore, if you are not going along the already well-known route, but to a completely new place, it’s worth planning everything carefully. Especially if…

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An unforgettable vacation in Tunisia
Changes in the life of the country or in the world arena always cause some concern and invariably entail something new. This is how Russia at the end of the…

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Electronic booking of hotels: quick and convenient
Now, with the help of the online hotel reservation system, travel enthusiasts have a great opportunity to get a good hotel room long before starting their trip to any country…

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Rest in cottages

A very common way to spend holidays abroad is to rent a cottage in some environmentally friendly region of your own country or neighboring countries. Moreover, wealthier residents are even ready to visit Russia exotic for them. Everything is explained, of course, by good ecology, huge open spaces, forests, rivers and lakes.

For recreation, especially with children, take some kind of forest recreation center or a holiday house, which has at its disposal special cottages for rent. Naturally, such outdoor recreation is the most favorable option to get rid of the plume of everyday worries. For a holiday with a child, renting a cottage is also a winning option. Here it is better to look after the child, and it is easier to organize food. Continue reading

Mini-hotels of Vladimir: pros and cons
The main advantage of mini-hotels in Vladimir is, of course, the ability to rent a room for little money. Not always a cheap room means poor quality of service, lack…


Rest in the winter at a camp site in the region
Before the onset of winter, it is time to think about a winter vacation. Where to spend the winter holidays is interesting and exciting for the whole family or company…


Holidays in the resorts of Mexico
Let's talk about Mexico. Why is she so attractive? It amazingly combines picturesque beaches and cultural monuments of the ancient Indians and civilizations. Mexico is famous for its resorts with…
