Rest in cottages
A very common way to spend holidays abroad is to rent a cottage in some environmentally friendly region of your own country or neighboring countries. Moreover, wealthier residents are even…

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triple blowjob
UAE - a place for a relaxing holiday
The United Arab Emirates (hereinafter UAE) are located in West Asia on the Arabian Peninsula. This state consists of seven small principalities: Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Ajman, Fujairah, Sharjah, Ras al-Khaimah,…

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Holidays in Greece
Greece - the birthplace of ancient antiquity, the main center of the emergence of Christianity and the best vacation spot in Europe for tourists. Throughout Greece, a huge number of…

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Monthly Archives: February 2018

China: Amazing Hong Kong

Former British Crown citizen of Hong Kong became a kind of Manhattan of Asia.

Hong Kong is an amazing city, and although in 1997 the reassignment to China became history, people still fear serious changes. They believe that China will greatly influence Hong Kong’s politics, economy and domestic lifestyle, because for a long time it has been and remains the center of big business – the “navel” of land in the capitalist world.

If you want to know more about the history of Hong Kong, visit the History Museum. When the British first noticed Victoria Peak in 1657, Hong Kong was a deserted place. Then it all started with trade: the British exported tea, silk and porcelain in exchange for silver and opium. Continue reading

Wedding celebrations in legendary cities

Wedding is one of the most important events in our life. Naturally, we want the wedding day, the birthday of the new family to be special. And it is possible.

Today, newlyweds can choose for themselves how, and most importantly, where they will say “Yes!” To each other. By the way, if we talk about the venue for the wedding: young couples increasingly prefer foreign resorts, legendary cities. Well, let’s begin our journey.

Paris has been proud to be the city of lovers for centuries. This is really an ideal place to hold here the union of two hearts. The Louvre, the Luxembourg Gardens, the Rodin Museum – you will feel the spirit of France with every cell of your body. Continue reading

Vladimir is part of the Golden Ring of Russia
Russia is a unique country that has preserved a centuries-old history in architectural monuments. Different cities, whether it be a large metropolis or a small provincial town, like chronicles, store…


Holidays in the resorts of Mexico
Let's talk about Mexico. Why is she so attractive? It amazingly combines picturesque beaches and cultural monuments of the ancient Indians and civilizations. Mexico is famous for its resorts with…


Mini-hotels of Vladimir: pros and cons
The main advantage of mini-hotels in Vladimir is, of course, the ability to rent a room for little money. Not always a cheap room means poor quality of service, lack…
