What to do on vacation in Yalta?
On average, the development of Crimea as a resort began in the middle of the 19th century. The impetus was the improvement of transport links. People living in the central…

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An unforgettable vacation in Tunisia
Changes in the life of the country or in the world arena always cause some concern and invariably entail something new. This is how Russia at the end of the…

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Holidays in the resorts of Mexico
Let's talk about Mexico. Why is she so attractive? It amazingly combines picturesque beaches and cultural monuments of the ancient Indians and civilizations. Mexico is famous for its resorts with…

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Block Archery Features

The block bow was first invented in 1966 in America and became a great gift for shooters, since with the advent of such weapons there was no need to exert much effort to keep the bowstring in a state of combat tension. This made it possible to increase the projectile departure speed, and therefore, to increase the overall effectiveness of archery.

Today you can buy not a heavy block bow and start training. The fact is that starting with a heavy model is not advisable: the shooter will only have to think about how to stretch and hold the bowstring, and not hone the shooting technique. As a result, such training will not give any positive shifts and interest in shooting will quickly disappear. Continue reading

Vladimir is part of the Golden Ring of Russia
Russia is a unique country that has preserved a centuries-old history in architectural monuments. Different cities, whether it be a large metropolis or a small provincial town, like chronicles, store…


Sri Lanka - the island of elephants, tea and Buddhism
The island of Sri Lanka is rightly called the pearl of the Indian Ocean. Even in ancient times, Greek sailors, admiring the indescribable beauty, called it “Taprobana”, which means “cinnamon…


How to relax with children
When a child appears in the family, the life of the parents ceases to belong only to them. They completely devote it to a small child, try to make the…
