Spring fishing
In the spring - at this wonderful time of the year when everything around is awakening and renewing itself after the winter lull - everyone really wants to experience new…

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triple blowjob
The mysterious country of fairy tales - India
One of the most amazing and unusual countries in the world is India! It is striking in its beauty and makes tourists only a good impression. And the memories remain…

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What to see while relaxing in Anapa?
As in many other resort towns, Anapa has its own attractions. And some of them really deserve attention. First of all, visit the ancient Gate of the Turkish fortress. This…

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poorly tolerated

An unforgettable vacation in Tunisia

Changes in the life of the country or in the world arena always cause some concern and invariably entail something new. This is how Russia at the end of the last century got the opportunity to expand ties with other countries, and the inhabitants of the country opened their way far abroad, for example, to Tunisia. Russian tourists discovered this country relatively recently, it began to quickly gain popularity.

From the northern and eastern parts, this North African state is washed by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea, which means there are plenty of places for a beach holiday. Add the exotic of the African country, and the answer to the question about the reasons for the popularity of Tunisia among tourists is ready. Continue reading

Ufa Hotels
In our century of developed business and active tourism, one can hardly surprise anyone with the geography of perfect trips. And the hotel service is just the right way is…


We organize outdoor activities with the team
What do you see outside your gray and stuffy office? Bright and warm sun, light breeze - beautiful weather. It’s just the time to go somewhere in nature, taking with…


Above the roof: 5 exciting ways to jump into the abyss (part 2)
BASE JUMPING Well, a very extreme way to have fun. For beginners, eager to tickle their nerves, the path is ordered here. BASE jumping is a parachute jump from fixed…
