Rent a cottage or a room - which is more profitable?
Everyone, for sure, wants to use their free time on vacation, at the weekend in the company of close people, work colleagues, unforgettable and richly. If we are talking about…

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triple blowjob
Vladimir is part of the Golden Ring of Russia
Russia is a unique country that has preserved a centuries-old history in architectural monuments. Different cities, whether it be a large metropolis or a small provincial town, like chronicles, store…

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Greece - a journey for a natural fur coat
Of course, any girl wants to put on a "fluffy beauty" - a fur coat. The very process of buying this thing can be compared with a wonderful trip to…

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Rest in Karelia

We very carefully chose a place to relax, preferably on the river and in comfortable conditions. At first they wanted to go to Finland, but settled on Karelia.

There are a lot of beautiful places, all kinds of camp sites, hotels, but this is again the noise, neighbors’ partying until the morning, etc. I wanted silence and solitude, and we found such a place near the small village of Kindasovo. The house stood on the banks of the Shuya River, with its pier, fenced. Continue reading

The mysterious country of fairy tales - India
One of the most amazing and unusual countries in the world is India! It is striking in its beauty and makes tourists only a good impression. And the memories remain…


Sri Lanka - the island of elephants, tea and Buddhism
The island of Sri Lanka is rightly called the pearl of the Indian Ocean. Even in ancient times, Greek sailors, admiring the indescribable beauty, called it “Taprobana”, which means “cinnamon…


Ufa Hotels
In our century of developed business and active tourism, one can hardly surprise anyone with the geography of perfect trips. And the hotel service is just the right way is…
