Family holidays in winter
Rest is truly considered rest when the whole family is assembled! Whatever place you want to rest, it will still be boring and sad if you don’t have people close…

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triple blowjob
Rest in Vityazevo
To argue that the Black Sea in Vityazevo is better than the black sea of ​​other resort cities will be stupid. But what is the difference then? In those seemingly…

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Wedding celebrations in legendary cities
Wedding is one of the most important events in our life. Naturally, we want the wedding day, the birthday of the new family to be special. And it is possible.…

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jumping debut

Above the roof: 5 exciting ways to jump into the abyss (part 2)

Well, a very extreme way to have fun. For beginners, eager to tickle their nerves, the path is ordered here. BASE jumping is a parachute jump from fixed objects (rocks, houses, bridges). Only the most experienced and reckless parachutists can master it.

The danger is that the usual jump is made from a solid height, and the opening of the dome occurs somewhere 600 meters from the ground, after 3-4 seconds. Another 5-7 minutes is left for soaring under the dome and admiring the beauties of nature. And in base jumping the whole flight lasts only 5-6 seconds! In addition, the design does not provide a safety system and a reserve parachute – there simply will not be enough time to open it. Continue reading

Above the roof: 5 exciting ways to jump into the abyss (part 2)
BASE JUMPING Well, a very extreme way to have fun. For beginners, eager to tickle their nerves, the path is ordered here. BASE jumping is a parachute jump from fixed…


Tours in the UAE: give yourself a luxurious vacation!
The United Arab Emirates is an amazing and exotic country. Travelers, getting to the edge of deserts and oases, get a lot of new, incomparable experiences. The developed tourism infrastructure…


Rest in Odessa
If you are going to relax, when choosing a coastal town, you can think about Odessa. Mostly, city guests are accommodated in apartments and rooms. An option with a hotel…
